Monday, March 12, 2012

SPAM - March 11th

Today is Sunday I’m not sure what I’ll do today. I’ve been reading The Night Circus. It took a bit to get into... more so because I was only reading 2 or 3 pages at a time and I was lost. But once I was able to read a larger CHUNK I started understanding that I don’t know what’s going on and that’s the point. I’m still kind of lost but I like it so far. I’m 20% into it. I love my kindle. The font size is big cause the next down is too small seeming… but this way I can set it on my lap and just sit there without losing my place.
I’ve also been playing the free game Jigsaw words… right now it’s on a Real or Make Believe? Titled puzzle but I can’t figure out what three of them are: a Symbolic Creature of Purity, a Werewolf and Mexican Gargoyle. I’ll have to look it up when the internet comes back on. It was driving me crazy last night.
Oh yeah! I won a game of Minesweeper on hard FINALLY! After so many games and attempts. It came down to 2 tiles and 1 mine. Either one of them would have satisfied the numbers surrounding them and I literally had to just guess. I got it.
That’s the closest I ever have gotten I usually get down to a chunk the size of like 20 tiles and no clues on which tiles will be mines and then I have to guess and I mess up.
What else have I been doing… nothing really. I’m going to edit some of Shayla’s engagement pictures today and hopefully be able to email some more tomorrow.
Knock on some dang good wood for me (I did), no stomach problems as of yet. I haven’t eaten anything too weird other than the soya. But we’ve had spaghetti, scrambled eggs, lots of soup, some noodle stuff, tuna salad (MOM I ATE IT! And I liked it!)…
The typical food here is Fu-fu and Jama-Jama. Fu-fu is made from ground corn and basically put into a spongy ball. Jama-Jama is made from wild huckleberry or bitter root (like leafy stuff), they just mash it up and like cook it somehow. Looks kind of like cooked spinach. I haven’t tried any of it yet.
At women’s day I made friends with one of the doctors kids with my camera. Little Bintu loves having her picture taken but man is she a little brat. She likes to scroll through my pictures and look at them all but she won’t let her brother Abu have a chance or take a look (? Sounded like Abdul Abu.. but apparently I wasn’t saying it right.. so in my blog his name is Abu).  Bintu is probably about 5 and Abu is probably 7 or 8, my guess. But they live right down below our duplex in another duplex on the hospital grounds. I went out to try to take some pictures of the crooked legs and Bintu and Abu came RUNNING to me. They wanted to see my pictures again and Bintu is just so grimy and dirty bleck. Then Abu brought some other friends over and we stood and looked at my pictures for like 20 minutes.  They each wanted to press the button and then Abu wanted to take some pictures. All the while Bintu is pulling on my freshly clean hasn’t been worn yet shirt.. and then guess what? She wipes her snotty nasty little nose on it and then looks at me like.. “oops” all innocent like. I mean it’s like dirt permanently caked under and around the fingernails and grimy snotty dried and runny nose and everything. Abu doesn’t look near is dirty, probably just the difference in age he knows how to wipe his nose. I really wanted to walk up to the hospital and take some pictures, but I got trapped!
Needless to say I came back and changed shirts, washed my hands and arms and used a Charmin wipe on my camera. Now I’m going to wash my hands again.
Then after reading for an hour out on the porch, little Bintu sees me and comes in the gate. This gate is no gate. It’s a balcony and porch gated off by a waste high railing style gate then a cement patio (with nothing in it) and then a gate gate, like entrance to someone’s property gate, big green with a door that opens within it. The Hake’s have never had them do that before. But she made a friend and just decided to come in. (Jim Terry and my dad are all up at the hospital making Sunday rounds as this happens, I don’t go with them after last weekend’s incident) I tell Bintu she can’t come in but she and several others start coming in anyway. So I go out there and scramble them away from the solar panel light chargers we had out charging up in the sun and start playing a game of ball with them. It was kind of funny kind of annoying. The big kids have NO respect for the little ones. Shoving them down the hill and hitting them and the ball away from them.  They all just yell “Hello, to me” over and over when I throw the ball to them. One little boy’s pants were around is thighs not his waste, another little girls dress wasn’t covering much as she sat on the hill and they were all covered in dirt. Then a couple little ones cry and then pick their noses. I played for about an hour and tried to come inside at one point after the game died down but they followed me; opened the gate right up. So I ran inside with my camera and kindle so they didn’t try to pick it up and play with it, and drop it. Ugh. Then I came back out told them they needed to leave they couldn’t be inside the gate and I had to drag them back out basically. As I finally got them back out Jim, Terry and my dad came up over the hill. Jim told Abdu (I heard another kid saying it and there is definitely a “d” sound in the name) that he cannot come inside the gate. So they put the little bar across it so it can’t be opened easily and we came in for pancakes.

The two little guys on the right played with me. The green ball is the ball we played with at first, and that's the little boy who's pants wouldn't stay up and would cry every time he didn't get the ball. 
The rainy season has arrived too! Yesterday it rained a little and we just had a great big storm. The rain just broke through and it started coming down.. it sounds a lot harder cause of the tin roof so we went outside and I mean it’s legitimate rain but it’s not like tons. Then it gets harder and harder. Huge drops of water, no lightness about it. It’s so loud inside the house with the tin roof and all the tin roofs around. It took quite a bit of rain to really get the ground wet it’s been dry for basically 3 months the dirt just sucked it up.
I can spend hours on the internet at home but not quite sure what to do when I don’t have it here. I keep falling asleep trying to read.
Guess what Terry and Jim hid in the casserole for dinner!? SPAM. Ha. As the ham pieces and it was not bad in one bit. Right after we finished Jim says, “We were trying to think of the best way to disguise our first serving of SPAM to you guys..” Ha ha it was really not that bad. I wouldn’t be able to look at it or read the ingredients but eh for a dinner in Africa…
Sardines, spam.. hrm what’s next.  

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